Totemi is a complete solution for the design of custom interactive courses

The Totemi solution is the perfect combination of a mobile application and a connected box. These two components allow to broadcast various contents in a geolocalized way.

The TOTEMI application

The mobile application allows users to live a unique and fun experience on each route

totemi phone

A tailor-made narrative

An interactive map and a logbook allow the user to explore the points of interest according to your scenario: augmented walk, treasure hunt, interactive film, etc.

Create a playful and surprising narrative about your territory.

A contextual commitment

Stimulate user curiosity through personalized notifications, triggered within a defined geographic area.

Engage the user around TOTEMI. They will be automatically notified when multimedia content is available.

Interactive content to unlock

Offer interactive media: text, video, audio, games, virtual or augmented reality. Bonus, secret or temporary content can enrich the experience.

TOTEMI Bluetooth boxes

Sturdy and specially designed to adapt to your environment, the boxes allow you to locate your users with precision and create a strong visual link with them

Engaging signage

The Totemi box brings a new way of interacting with its environment.

When in contact with it, users, via their Smartphone, engage in a discussion according to their interests and desires.

Recognizable, it serves as a meeting place and exchange.

Installation en extérieur ou en intérieur

Autonome et robuste, le boîtier Totemi est résistant à tout type de climat et ne nécessite pas d’alimentation externe.

Modulable, il peut s’installer sur des murs, lampadaires, poteaux, abris de bus ou tout type de mobilier urbain et environnement naturel.

Personnalisables, sa couleur et ses informations s’adaptent à votre identité visuelle.

Balise Bluetooth Smart embarquée

Le boîtier Totemi intègre un composant Bluetooth, fiable & efficient.

Configurable et précis, il permet d’émettre dans un rayon allant de 50cm à environ 20m.

Efficientes, les batteries interchangeables assurent une autonomie allant jusqu’à 7 ans, réduisant ainsi les coûts d’entretien.

The cloud platform for content management

A cloud platform that allows you to easily manage and update your content

Totemi s'intègre a vos cms et système d'information

Update and disseminate

Totemi s'intègre a vos cms et système d'information

Our secure platform allows you to upload and organize rich media, including:

Video, Audio, Games, Rich text & photos, Augmented reality, 360 video & immersive technology

Totemi plateforme d'analyse des visiteurs de vos parcours

Measuring and understanding

Totemi plateforme d'analyse des visiteurs de vos parcours

Once your journey is published, you will be able to understand and analyze how your visitors interact with your journey.

Which TOTEMI is used the most? How long do visitors spend on a piece of content? In what order are the TOTEMIs visited? Dynamically adapt your content according to the results obtained.

See our services and discover how to create a unique experience